Meeting JOHNNY DEPP (part II) ~ Working my way to the set

Meeting JOHNNY DEPP (Part II) ~ Working my way to the set


When I arrived and spotted crew members in their usual coloured vests, I knew my chances were not going to be easy. More likely, bleak. Probably even close to slim. My intentions were NEVER to step out of bounds. I respected that all crew members were under strict orders to deny any information to visitors, me included. I wasn’t there to intervene and/or interrupt filming and if this was not meant to be, then at least I could say I tried. My daughter’s emphatic words “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” was embedded in my thoughts, so on with the show I did. The crew that I did come in contact with were all absolutely cordial with huge smiles making me feel welcome. I was forewarned in the past that some may not see the humour it this, but I can honestly say, even though they could NOT let me pass that invisible line, their body language spoke volumes to me. The first two I met, were a father son duo. Incredible guys. They showed me where the public could go and told me “good luck”. Once in the Japanese gardens I felt my fate was almost sealed. All the nooks and crannies that I knew to look for were all sealed off, except one. Well sort of. There was a whole in the hedge surrounding the Italian gardens, where foliage had obviously died off. I spotted crew setting up for another shot. As luck would have it, a grounds keeper from Hatley Castle recognized me from events past and frequenting the grounds of Royal Roads. We struck up conversation…. “Debra!!!” “No, Denise, close!!” We laughed. Fast forward this story, when I went back to the parking lot after spending an hour in the Japanese Gardens chatting with some of the most incredibly friendly people and taking photos with the public, the two PA’s I met, initially upon my arrival, yelled “Any luck?”. I smiled, and walked over to them telling them my mission creating a better chance of opportunity. Before I moved along, they told me (via their earpiece and radio) “Just so that you know, word has spread that a FEMALE Jack Sparrow is on the grounds”.  A little uncertain and taken aback, I asked if that was a bad thing. The son said flippantly, “as long as you are not in handcuffs, you’re golden”, lol. With most of the crew aboard ship knowing of my presence, word now spread that the crew at the Castle wanted to meet me and that I should get my butt in gear and head over to where filming had resumed, now taking a break heading back to the trailers. This was possibly my breakthrough.Johnny Depp says Goodbye 11

Minutes later, I was told that Johnny Depp was also aware of my existence and he and his personal team wanted to meet me as they were leaving the set. I arrived at the main security check point just in time to see a black SUV pull out past the barricade. The tinted back window, rolled down and there he was with a smile on his face.

(to be continued ~ Part III)


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