FOR THE LOVE OF ART: For the love of acting, I took theatre for 3 years landing a lead role in a Vaudevillian comedy production. For the love of dancing, I managed 2 first place wins in 2 dance competitions ~ one in the US and one in Canada. For the love of sketching and painting, I studied art for 5 years in my earlier days and won 2 best designs for ‘hasty note’ print distribution competition. I also designed a cover for a Trade Magazine owned and operated by a publishing company. In recent years, as a photographer, I was asked to design two book covers for a publication and was also asked to write a foreword for yet another book for a friend. When I took on the role of the infamous “Jack Sparrow”, for fun I entered two contests and won 1st place for each, but unbeknownst to me at the time, I was involved in 4 other contests ~and was presented 3 first place wins and one 2nd after the fact. My biggest win of all, are the warm smiles and “awe struck” facial expressions of children and their families as I grace their space as one of Johnny Depp’s famous characters. What a rewarding and feel good position to be in.
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