Split Face Comparison

Split Face Comparison


Having impersonated Johnny Depp for several years, it still always astounds me to hear those people who say I do indeed look just like him.  As I walk past bystanders after an event, for example, I will hear murmurs or whispers of: “…is Johnny Depp in town?” But there will always be a handful, (esp. when one learns I am female), that absolutely do not agree on the looking alike.  Which is perfectly okay.  For instance not all see certain colours the same as the next person.  An object can appear smaller or larger to others.  It is what the eye perceives…. not everyone sees the same thing.  So from time to time  I will find an image of Johnny Depp via Google search and match it up to one of mine to allow the eye to acknowledge that there is a substantial similarity, enough to trick the eye into believing it is him…. sort of like magicians do with their tricks and magic.

This is my most recent comparison photo I put together.  Nothing is totally perfect and/or exact.  It is about “similar” not “identical”.  There is only one Johnny Depp and that is Johnny Depp himself.  Impersonating is the art of “illusion” or “imitation”, not the art of “exact replica”.

You be the judge.


SIDE by SIDE comparison JOHNNY DEPP .jpg

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