Feeling like a Celebrity

Feeling like a Celebrity…


Upon our arrival at a local school, kids from all ages swarmed around wanting an autograph. Since paper wasn’t readily available for all, many children got creative and extended their arms and legs for the signature. It was brilliant and very imaginative. But the best part of all was putting a huge grin on these children’s faces.


Captain Jack Sparrow Autograph 6

….they extended their arms for the signature….


Captain Jack Sparrow Autograph 3

….their legs……


Captain Jack Sparrow Autograph 5

……and coloured art paper!

Although I’m not sure who had the bigger grin at the end of it all……

Ladysmith Promo Day 4

Upon the ringing of the bell indicating the end of recess, I was given a beautiful purple flower from one of the students in appreciation on attending.

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