My first appearance as Johnny Depp

Photo Credit: Victoria Pearson

Now,… keep in mind that I live in the #2 spot in Canada where celebrities vacation to get away from their hectic lives. One main reason is for the privacy. Islanders don’t usually approach celebrities in a public place such as restaurants or other gathering type places in fear of invading their privacy or more likely feeling like an idiot that it may not be who they think it is. If there is going to be a tough audience for me to test my skills as a JDepp look-alike,…. this is it.

Having been honoured with an invite to be one of this year’s celebrity judges for the “Festival of Trees” as Capt. Jack, (a fund-raiser for Sick Children’s Hospital) there was nothing new in the way of delightful reactions. Media, photo ops, gifts, (which I donated back to the fund-raiser),.. It was incredible. The spirit, the hype, the Xmas buzz the flood of donations and the funds raised,.. truly impeccable.

Once the event was over,…I did a quick change into JDepp and then left to the planned gathering at Vista 18 where a Gypsy Jazz group, COLD CUT COMBO, ( ), now known as the Chris Sartisohn Trio – entertained and played such scores JDepp played in the film “Chocolat”. Chris, the lead guitarist, who met JDepp in LA of 2006, is a huge fan of his. Upon my arrival, I managed to fool those in my vicinity including Chris. Once Chris knew who I was, he told me afterwards that the first thing that popped into his mind was: “Is Johnny now gracing me with a visit here on the Island?”

Sitting at the bar with my husband who enacted as my bodyguard, the waiter asked us “two gentlemen” for our order. Mixed emotions began to stir as I suddenly felt as though I was indeed playing a huge joke on the public, or was the joke on me?  In true fact I was entertaining honest work and a test to see if I should continue to enact as JDepp in futre. Yes I got a lot of glances and confused looks thrown my way,… but not once did anyone approach me like they do with my portrayal of Jack. Carefully, yet intently, I scanned the room, but much to my chagrin, I was having much difficulty translating the confused yet curious expressions of those sitting around me. However, once photos were being proposed with the band, some began to stir and question the situation. But in typical ‘Islander’ fashion,… no one bothered us to ask for the specifics.

Slightly disappointed, we left Vista 18, and my husband suggested we should have one more go at it at a frequented local pub, the Waterwheel. Upon our arrival at this pub, my husband, (bodyguard) scouted the pub to see if there was available seating and worth our while. We had no idea that the ‘scouting’ was setting ourselves up for the grand entrance. The pub was busy and hoping, with those ranging between the ages of 25 – 50. As I entered, a bizarre silence blanketed over the other wise loud music. The quick ‘bashful’ glances thrown my way were quit amusing yet rewarding. Many would sneak a look, but as soon as I glanced their direction, they would quickly go about their business. Focussing on my ‘manly-deppish’ strut, we seated ourselves at the only table available. Feeling all eyes were on me,…this was a ‘make or break’ situation, in which I now had to fiercely concentrate on diminishing any feminine mannerisms.

My peripheral vision caught movement up above me where there was a central balcony.  A young man was questioning my attendance, causing 2, then 3 – 6 others to trip over themselves to have a a quick look at what was causing the commotion. Again,… looking their direction made them scurry away from the railing and back to their table of merry!  I smiled and was beginning to get some satisfaction. My husband spotted a young girl sneaking a photo from the top of the stairs, and quickly ran once the shot was taken.  I noted that the bartenders behind the bar were not concentrating to their orders and the one waitress who KNEW us, (but didn’t recognize me), who took our order, was very much prim and proper instead of her usual coy and boisterous self.  Even though it would have been wonderful for an approach or a question from someone in the pub, I was relatively satisfied with the blatant reactions during my time of stay.  I could not read exactly what people were thinking and the body language, by all, was by no means readable, but I was certain I managed to place at least the ‘doubt factor’ in many minds.  Convinced that nothing else would happen, we finished our drinks and as we were about to leave, a woman finally approached our table to ask me: Excuse me,… I am so sorry to bother you,… I realize you are an entertainer and an actor, but we are all dying to know what is going on?” That was all I needed. I smiled and pulled the bashful woman towards me and told her I was a female JDepp Look-alike/impersonator. That did it right there!!! She was literally in shock. I don’t know who was more floored,… her or me.  She scurried back to her table of friends and told them who I really was.  I could hear the excitement level and the chitter, chatter of, no way that is impossible!”  I approached their table, and they were the most gracious bunch of women I have met.  Being approved, the one woman turned to me to say:  you are truly brilliant, … not only do you look like Johnny Depp and had us ALL fooled,.. but to be so incredibly brave to enter a bar as a woman dressed as a man,.. that is the most amazing part!”

In the meantime the ‘prim and proper behaved’ waitress who had served us earlier that evening, graced us with her presence at our table and told my husband,…“You have NO IDEA what a stir and ruckus you two have just created here tonight,.. EVERYONE has been stumbling over themselves to see if anyone knew what the heck was going on,…”  This was all I needed, to convince me to continue perfecting the JD look.  As we left, and for those sitting farthest away from us and had yet to discover I was indeed an imposter, a few came out of their shells and yelled,.. “See ya Johnny!” causing two girls, sitting by the entrance/exit who obviously had not seen me,.. drop their jaw as I walked out. The expressions on their faces were PRICELESS.

The following day, stories were revealed when we dined for lunch at the same pub. Apparently many were convinced I was the real JDepp,… others thought I was just a JDepp Look-alike double in town for an event or film,… then there were those who had no clue who JDepp really is and a handful thought I was undercover of some sort,..

“…..because in the minds of us Islanders, there is NO WAY that the real Johnny Depp or any famous icon, would visit this island”.

Chris decided to post this photo from ‘Vista 18’ on his personal account.  Here are some of the comments his friends left behind:

Photo credit: Que Bahn, The Photgraphy Elf

~ ‘My daughter is uber jealous!!’

~ ‘Nice!’

~ ‘The world’s sexiest man!’

~ ‘That is such a nice photo.  You and Johnny Depp both into the groove like that,.. What songs did you play together?’

~ ‘Okay that rules,… how’s the deppster on the ole guitbox??  He seems mezmorized!’

~ ‘Johnny Depp well ain’t that something!’

~ ‘So cool, what was he doing in Vic?’

~ ‘Very cool Chris!  Was this an impromtu Cold Cut Combo guest appearance?’

~ ‘Is he as awesome as I think he is??’




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