Regarding my Domain Name: ‘denise does Johnny’

When I was setting up my web site, my Web Designer emailed me to ask that I chose a domain name that was appropriate, but catchy and easy for people to remember.  As an example, she jokingly suggested, “…something like Denise does Johnny, but don’t use that, lol“.  At first I laughed, for it sounded so risque, but it did meet all the criteria. Often in conversation impersonators say, “I impersonate Cher“, and should they have a second or third icon they promote, many shorten it to, “I also do Celine Deon“.  So if those individuals who can remember my personal name (for they already know the name of the actor I emulate), they should have no problems remembering my domain name.  I ran it past a few people, including my husband who thought it was brilliant, the ‘risque’ and possibly controversial nature would just make it all the more memorable. 

So I thank my Web Designer, Virginia Lee at , I now have an unforgettable domain name.

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